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Triumph & Disaster

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Triumph & Disaster

From our Kiwi pals, Triumph & Disaster proudly utilises the best of indigenous New Zealand nature improved with effective science to make efficient grooming products that are not tested on animals. Ingredients includes powerful native Horopito Oil and Ponga Extract, as well as Australian clay, and Mexican Jojoba extract. Triumph & Disaster champions sustainability, integrity, and honesty, and is abundantly evident throughout their product range. 

  • A New Zealand brand that respects nature, utilises science, and creates products of ritual and tools for preparation.
  • Triumph & Disaster gets their memorable name from Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’, which details the features of how to be an honourable man. Triumph & Disaster extend this philosophy into the domain of good grooming.
  • Don’t miss their Coltrane Clay, a soft and matte blend of clays, waxes and oils that cares for the hair while it holds it in place, or the award winning Ritual Face Cleanser which uses natural clay that foams with water to draw out excess oil, with a touch of salicylic acid to purify.